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OPC Factory Server V3.50 - Read Me


1      What’s new in OPC Factory Server V3.50

Easier configuration and tuning  

Communication & tuning the Configuration have been made simpler by reducing number the number of communication parameters

Moreover, Default configuration have been pretuned and optimized for Vijeo Citect   environment  


Advanced PLC diagnostic information   

    Deep and advanced diagnostic information for PSX PLCs is made available at SCADA level via specific  items  : more than 60 status variables are available for all or PLC platforms (Quantum, Premium, M340 and M580)
For security reasons, these variables are accessible in Read Only 


Improved performances  

Application response time at SCADA level enhanced by giving high priority to write commands communication requests

Overpassing Modbus communication capabilities by a new exclusive located data access mode .   



Compatible with all main Windows platforms, 32 bits and 64 bits  Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 2008 terminal server.


We deliver a new document (‘\Extras’ folder) named ‘Tuning the communication parameters’ explaining in a detailed way how to tune and optimize the PLC <>SCADA   communications

2      Last minute information  


       USB communication driver   

       Do not try to connect to PLC if USB driver delivered with ‘Unity Pro Schneider PLC USB DriverSuite.exe’ ) is not installed on the computer :   Windows system would install a default USB device, and you would not be able to connect to PLC any more, unless you un-install the faulty USB device (via Windows Device Manager) and re-install SchneiderPLCUSBDriverSuite.exe.


            Advanced PLC diagnostic information   

                     Enhanced Diagnostics specific items are available only with Unity PLCs



     The minimum OPC group update rate supported by OFS is 300 ms.

      When user register OFS using the “By Web on another PC” method,  if Internet Explorer IE10 is used to  connect to Schneider Electric Registration site, then IE10 must be used in “compatibility mode”.