Exec. v.1.30 (m1ev130.bin) Reference Resolution #199702 File M1ev130.zip contains: A document that explains the enhancement features, files for Proworx NXT and Proworx32, and the firmware (bin file). 1) Enhancement: A modification was made to the 984LL Exec version 1.30 that allows users to control the retransmission timer and TCP socket time-out when performing MSTR Read multiple registers and Write multiple register operations. Exec. v.1.28 (m1ev128.bin) Reference Resolution #190558 1) Fixes a problem in the web page where the 'TCP Retry' counter would increment every time an MSTR Function Block was activated. 2) The PSH flag is no longer set in the SYN or FIN. 3) Now responds to a second ARP request. 4) If 2 or more MSTRs are programmed in logic, any one of the MSTRs may stop operating for up to 5 minutes before recovering. Exec. v.1.26 (m1ev126.bin) In the 984LL Exec v.1.25, a modification was made to the IO Bus 'Generic IO Map' to change the behavior of Advantys Island operation in the event of an IO point fault. The 984LL Exec v.1.26 removes the changes made to the Exec in v.1.25 so that applications currently using the Generic IO Bus map will be compatible with the latest Execs. This modification for Advantys Island operation on the M1E IO Bus is now accomplished by importing new M1-Advantys mdc files to Concept. Exec. v.1.25 (m1ev125.bin) Reference Resolution #174643 1) Resolves an issue where the M1E would not respond to ICMP ping commands when communicating through routers across a WAN. Exec. v.1.23 (m1ev123.bin) Reference Resolution #170037 1) Resolves an issue with reconnecting from an M1E client to a server using IO scanner if the M1E is power cycled. The M1E will now reconnect with a different port number. Resolves a reconnect issue when the gateway is powered down. 2) Closes connection after 6 retries even when the server ACK's the M1E (Based on one application where the Linux stack came up before the application. It established a connection but did not respond since the application was not yet functional). 3) Maximum time between 2 retries on a network that has not yet established communications (that is has not received a response to its queries) is 1 sec. 4) State machine changed to send an ACK in response to SYN, ACK and not send it with the query. (Interoperability issues with OTB). 5) Any log-in to the controller can be monitored by viewing bit 3 in the first 4x Stat Block register. 1 = someone logged in on any one of the modbus ports. 0 = no one logged in. This function accurate as long as the PLC is in RUN mode. 6) Fixes problem of communications through routers. This problem only occurred in version 1.21 Exec. v.1.21 (m1ev121.bin) Reference Resolution (TBD) 1) Resolves problem of responding to ARP requests when all sockets are used. Exec. v.1.20 (m1ev120.bin) Reference Resolution #160597 1) Applets are now displayed on browsers if the web paes were loaded using the Web Loader Utility on a WIN98 Operating System. 2) "M1E I/O Status" web page display changed to "I/O and Register Data Display". 3) Supports Classless addressing. There were no releases for Exec. versions 1.09 through v.1.19. Exec. v.1.08 (m1ev108.bin) Reference Resolution #8098 1) Resolves subnet mask issue 2) Fixes XMIT Block - ASCII Conversion Function Exec. v.1.07 (m1ev107.bin) Reference Resolution #1101 1) Exec changed so the battery low coil only indicates that the memory battery backup voltage is <2.68 volts and should be changed within 30 days. It will not cause the processor to go into a 'not configured' state at power up as in earlier Exec. revisions. Exec. v.1.06 (m1ev106.bin) Reference Resolution #943. 1) Adds an embedded web server 2) Adds PLC login password protection 3) Fixes a PLC crash problem when read and write coil Modbus TCP/IP messages were sent to it. 4) M1E will now respond immediately to a retry of the request instead of a one second delay. 5) Properly handles multiple Modbus messages in a single packet from NOE211's. 6)Duplicate IP addresses now also checked when a link (connection of cable) is made. 7) Fixes a Modbus TCP/IP response ID if it received a write coil request and then received a read request before the write request has been responded to. 8) Fixes an XMIT block error 116 when communicating to Modbus slave devices over RS485 2-wire. (Modbus RS485 4-wire communications was not affected). Exec. v.1.05 was not released. Exec. v.1.04 (m1ev104.bin) Reference Resolution #921. 1) Allows detection of an M1E problem with the I/O Bus network. Exec. v.1.03 (m1ev103.bin) 1) allows the I/O Bus to be more tolerant of PCP devices (example:ATV58) on the network. Exec. v.1.02 (m1ex102.bin) 1) fixes BCD to BIN conversions if an invalid BCD number is used.