============================================================================== TSX ETG 30xx Version 1.11 WEB DESIGNER Version 2.2 Copyright(c) Schneider Automation 2007-2009. All rights reserved, worldwide. Read me/Release Notes ============================================================================== WARNING: ======== The system designer must use devices external to the SCADA to protect against active faults, which are not indicated and are judged to be dangerous to the application. This may require solutions from various different technologies such as mechanical, electromechanical, pneumatic or hydraulic devices (for example, directly wiring a limit switch and emergency stop switches to the coil of a movement control contactor). ATTENTION: ========== Le concepteur du système devra se prémunir, par des dispositifs extérieurs à la supervision, contre les défauts actifs internes, non signalés et jugés dangereux dans l'application. Leur traitement peut faire appel à des solutions de technologies variées telles que mécanique, électromécanique, pneumatique, hydraulique (par exemple, câblage direct du détecteur de fin de course et des arrêts d'urgence sur la bobine du contacteur de commande d'un mouvement). ============================================================================== This file contains information about this release. Please take the time to read this important information. This Readme file consists of the following sections: 1- Content of the CD-ROM 2- System Requirements 3- Release Notes for Version 1.11 4- Module firmware, Web Designer software and applications update to V1.11 5- Additional information 6- Known issues or limitations ============================================================================== 1- Content of the CD-ROM ============================================================================== "\E-Learning" directory: - Self training of ETG modules. "\Firmware Upgrade" directory: - ETG30xx module firmware upgrade to V1.11 version "\AddOns" directory: - FrontPage Macro for user friendly Graphic objects parameters setup - JVM installation (Java environment JRE 1.4.2) - IE7 compatibility: Javascript code to include in custom pages - The Windows VPN client batch files "\User Manual" directory: - Full documentation in PDF format - Quick Installation Guide - Getting Started: How to set up GPRS connection "\WebDesigner" directory: - Web Designer software installation and documentation For installing Web Designer on the PC, launch "setup.exe". "\WebSite" directory : - Backup of the default Web site Root directory: - License files ============================================================================== 2- System Requirements ============================================================================== 2.1 Microsoft Internet Explorer Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.x or higher is required Use of Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 requires Service Pack 2 (SP2). 1. Go to http://www.microsoft.com. 2. Follow the download instructions on the web site. 2.2 Recommended JVM plug-in (Java Virtual Machines) for Internet Explorer client browsers: To avoid any issues on the client PCs due to the JVM installed, it is recommended to install the Sun JVM (Java Virtual Machine) version 1.4.2-14 provided in the CD ROM (directory "Redistributable") or at least a SUN JVM version 1.4.1-02 or above. Warning: Known issues have been identified with some Sun JVM V1.5 versions So it is recommended for users who want to use Sun JVM 1.5 to install the Sun JVM version or above. ============================================================================== 3- Release Notes for Version 1.11 ============================================================================== TSXETG30xx V1.11 release supports the following new features or improvements: - NAT on port routing: Transparent routing from WAN to LAN based on NAT on port routing - Modbus ID routing: Transparent routing from WAN to LAN based on Modbus ID routing - Modem Standby function: Automatic changeover from ADSL to GPRS modem connection - Datalogging improvements - New "enable data logging" trigger - Choice of triggers (backup, purge) and media type per table (internal or Compact flash) - New status variables per action (backup, purge) - Database improvements - In memory logging bufferization on database connection loss with internal timestamping ============================================================================== 4- Module firmware, Web Designer software and applications update to V1.11 ============================================================================== WARNING:In order to avoid any application loss, and prior to the software and module firmware update it is mandatory to make a full backup of your application on the PC. Use the transfer utility (Module to PC) of Web Designer software to save your application inside a separate backup "zip" file then proceed as below to make the V1.1 to V1.11 update. The update from TSXETG30xx V1.1 to V1.11 requires 3 steps : - 1st Step : Module firmware Update To benefit from the new functions of the V1.11 release you need to update your module firmware to the V1.11 release. In the Install CD, go in the folder /Firmware Upgrade Launch the following 'dos command': upgrade New files will be copied using FTP on your module. (WARNING: TAKE CARE TO NOT INTERRUPT THE TRANSFER OR POWER OFF THE GATEWAY BEFORE THE END OF THIS PROCEDURE (END OF LED FLASHING)) After the operation, the module must be rebooted. - 2nd Step : Web Designer software Update The Web Designer update is done by launching the Setup.exe file of the Web Designer CD. The insertion of the CD will launch the installation wizard. - 3rd Step: Application Project Update This step is mandatory in order to be able to run a V1.1 application in a V1.11 module and has to be performed for each application Project to update. In the Web Designer tool V2.2: - In the project tree view select the target to upgrade - Go to target menu - Select upgrade target version - Follow the instructions Your application project is now updated. You can now transfer the updated application to the target: - Select the target to transfer - Select menu "Target/Transfer" "PC to Target" - The new files of your Web Designer application are transferred to the module Your application is now updated. ============================================================================== 5- Additional information ============================================================================== 5.1 TCP/IP ports used The module and Web Designer uses well known ports FTP (21), HTTP (80), SMTP (25), DNS (53) ,DHCP (67,68), NTP (123),SNMP (161, 162) and schneider application protocol (502). It also uses un-privileged ports (greater than 1024) for database access (depending on DB server configuration) and publish subscribe mechanism (6010 + dynamic port allocation). Then if you plan to use Web Designer through a firewall, you must check if all ports are opened for your module. 5.2 Database connection - The timeout on your database server must be greater than your log time period. Especially for trigged tables, it's recommended to set server timeout to infinite. - You must have create, write and rename access rights on the database server. Default database type mapping is varchar for calculation service data. - You can save some room on your database server by mapping calculation data on type double. This is important if you have many columns of type varchar that can lead to exceed the SQL request max size of your database server. 5.3 Database table status A Device variable can now be mapped on each table as table status This status is set to 0 when the service starts and set to 1 at the begining of the log. When the log is done on the table, the status is set to 2. So the value of a table can switch between 1 and 2. If an error occurs (connection problem or write problem),the status table is set to the corresponding value (>20). The service status is then also set if this value is higher than the previous. As soon as the table is able to log again, the status is set to 1 , then 2 etc... and the service status is reset. 5.4 Format module function The format module function available from Configuration Tool deletes all application data from module then reset embedded WEB site to default. 5.5 Simulation of a Data logging Service In order to simulate on the PC a Data logging service, it is needed to create a folder called "FLASH1\USERDATA" in the root folder of the Installation drive of Web Designer. 5.6 RecipeDB Service Error Codes Error Codes for this service are identical to Database service. 5.7 VPN For more information on the IPSec protocols refer to the IETF’s (Internet Engeenering Task Force) related RFCs. 5.8 VPN/Data encryption The VPN IPSEC supports the following data encryption methods: - IKE encryption: Encryption: 3DES,DES Hash Functions: SHA,MD5 Diffie-Hellmann Groups: Group 2 (DH1024),None -IPSEC encryption/ESP protocol: Encryption: 3DES,DES,None Hash Functions: SHA,MD5,None Diffie-Hellmann Groups: Group 2 (DH1024),None ESP(none,none) not supported -IPSEC encryption/AH protocol: Hash Functions: SHA,MD5 Diffie-Hellmann Groups: Group 2 (DH1024),None Note: 3DES data encryption level uses a 168 bits encryption key. So depending on country regulations regarding cryptographic methodology, Customer may have to check locally if they can use this level of encryption or a lower level. 5.9 PPP client address For PPP connections: case ETG server and PC client, to force the ETG to accept the PC fixed address, the following line must be added into the file factorycast.properties situated in the directory NAND/FLASH1 (or in the target root directory of the Web Designer project). Line to add = rasAcceptRemote=true Note: If this line is added, all the clients connections must configure an IP address to could establish the PPP link (PC connection, direct cable). ============================================================================== 6- Known issues or limitations ============================================================================== 6.1 Possible security issue on WEB clients Depending on your windows and JVM version you may sometimes have security issues with WEB clients. In that case edit the java.policy file in the lib\security subdirectory of the JRE install path and change the default permission java.net.SocketPermission "localhost:1024-", "listen"; by "*:*", "accept, connect, listen, resolve"; 6.2 Possible HTTP connection error on WEB clients When using a lot of live bean applets in a single custom HTML page, you may sometimes get HTTP connection errors, depending on the JVM used by your browser. Wait for a moment then try again. Future versions of JRE may fix this issue. 6.3 Device service Status The Status variable of a Device service is set to the value '-1' if this service is in stop mode and if the module restarts instead of the value '0' 6.4 The use of boolean operator with non boolean variables in Calculation service displays a numeric value instead of '####' 6.5 If a device service word contains the value status of a service, this value is not updated after an init of the PLC 6.6 In Web Designer, the connection to the module can be launched only if the selection is on a Target name 6.7 The modification of a variable name or a device name in the Device Editor is not applied in the services, data tables or graphic pages already created 6.8 Cut/paste hot keys under Configuration Tool Standard hot keys Ctrl+C (copy), CTRL+V (paste) and Ctrl+X (cut) do not work under Web DEsigner tool. Use hot keys Ctrl+Ins, Shift+Ins and Shift+Del instead. 6.9 Import device/PLC data When re-importing data from device/PLC symbol database, data type, polling rate and persistency are reset to their default value. 6.10 Known limitations on Recipe Service 1- 2 recipe actions with same URL allowed by configuration tool 2- 2 recipe actions on the same trigger allowed by configuration tool (no warning) 3- Service status is not set to error when recipe file contains not accessible variables (bad quality) 6.11 Data Editor and Graphic Editor in Simulation The modification on data tables or graphic pages made during Simulation using the simulated Web site will be lost once the simulation is stopped 6.12 Running FTP and HTTP Servers simultaneously on the engineering PC Web Designer uses internally an FTP Server and an HTTP Server. It is required that no other FTP and HTTP servers are running on the PC where Web Designer is installed 6.13 RecipeDB Service Reading and Writing on a same table in recipeDB Service can be done through a free sql request. Automatic request allows only reading or writing on a different table. 6.14 Namespace Write Access Defining some variables in Namespace write acces doesn't affect array and bit of word. 6.15 Unsaved editors Every unsaved data in the editors won't be reflected if you transfer, connect or simulate. 6.16 Verification of a project The project verification doesn't detect if a service set to write on a readonly variable. 6.17 Transfer of a Target It is advised to check the free space on the target before transferring. If there is not enough space on the target, the transfer may be uncomplete without any error message. 6.18 Database Service If the table being logged in a database has been deleted, the database service will create the table again. As there was no table when submitting the last log, it will be lost. 6.19 Datalogging trending in Graphic Editor Due to restrictions of the number of FTP connections, if there is more than one datalogging history trending object, some of the objects will fail to load the csv values at the startup. It is required to click on reload on each of these objects to display the trends. This object cannot be associated with the variable's types: String, DT, TIME and DATE. 6.20 Datalogging Backup Parameter It is highly recommended to use a backup trigger or a timer that is higher than 30 minutes. 6.21 Services Status (SSTATUS) variables It is highly recommended to configure a device/PLC variable to serve as service status variable instead of the default SSTATUS variable EOF